Apps of the week: CloudCal | infltr | TapTag

CloudCal, infltr and TapTag are this week's recommended smartphone appsCloudCal, infltr and TapTag are this week's recommended smartphone apps
CloudCal, infltr and TapTag are this week's recommended smartphone apps
MAKE your smartphone even smarter with these three useful apps


A new calender app that renders your daily schedule in a visually appealing interface. Your daily tasks are formed as “Magic Circles”, taking position of when they occur on a clock face, letting you see at a glance when you’re tied up during the day. You can create events - such as a dinner reservation - and invite friends in the same way you would a Facebook group. Events can easily be altered by simply dragging and dropping them to a new time. The app also syncs up with your Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange.

£2.49, Andriod and iOS


In the world of selfies, everyone loves a good filter. So why not get your hands on five million of them? This app adds the filter to the pre-picture, which may make catching the perfect moment slightly more difficult. But with so many choices available, you can soon overlook this minor failing.

£2.29, iOS only


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Ever wanted to tag an actual location with a photo you took there? TapTag allows you to take a picture at a specific spot and virtually “leave” it there for someone else using the app to find.

“Drop” a moment using the app and other people can find it thought their viewfinder and other people can view it, how you experienced it, and the moments you thought were the perfect ones to capture.

Free, Android

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