Perfect weekend: Mark Greenaway

Mark Greenaway, 35, chef patron of Restaurant Mark Greenaway, Picardy Place, Edinburgh, and the only Scottish-based chef to appear on Great British Menu 2012.

1 Who would your ideal weekend companion be and why?

My fiancée Nicola. Although she runs front of house in the restaurant I hardly spend any “normal” time with her so a weekend would be nice.

2 Where would you take her and why?

The Highlands or Islands. We never get away and why go abroad when we have our own beautiful countryside?

3 Where would you go for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

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Breakfast would have to be at Urban Angel on Forth Street, lunch would be a picnic on the beach in Musselburgh, and dinner at Wedgwood on the Royal Mile.

4 What item would you not be without?

As boring as it may sound, my iPhone, twitter and e-mails are two things I couldn’t do without!

5 How would your perfect weekend finish?

On the couch, with a latte and watching my favourite movie of all time, The Shawshank Redemption.

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