Politics Recap: Kate Forbes confirms she will not run for SNP leadership as John Swinney announces bid

The former finance secretary will make a statement this afternoon on whether she is running for the SNP leadership - or not

Recap another manic day in Scottish politics.

RECAP: John Swinney confirms he is standing for SNP leader and First Minister

Key Events

  • John Swinney says his policies will come from the centre-left and he will continue the fight for Scottish independence
  • He says his potential leadership rival Kate Forbes will be given a "significant role" in cabinet if he wins
  • Kate Forbes will not stand for election, potentially leaving John Swinney uncontested

Daniel Radcliffe has said that he will continue to support the rights of LGBT+ people following criticism from Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

Scotland’s economy is estimated to have shrunk by 0.3% in February, figures from the Scottish Government show. Its latest report revealed onshore GDP had contracted in the second month of 2024, despite having seen growth of 0.6% in January. The new figures come as GDP data for the final three months of 2023 was revised, with the economy now said to have fallen by 0.5% over this period – compared with a previous estimate which said GDP had fallen by 0.6%

Police have said they believe a protected golden eagle which disappeared last year was shot.

Merrick, a female golden eagle, was translocated to the south of Scotland in 2022 but was reported missing on October 12.

She was thriving before disappearing, having been spotted widely across southern Scotland and the north of England.

Merrick was fitted with a satellite tag that tracked her wellbeing and movements.

In the eight days leading up to her disappearance, she was exploring the Moorfoot Hills, near Lothian.

On October 12, her tag stopped transmitting, indicating it was not a malfunction and suggesting human interference.

An eagle officer later inspected Merrick's last known roosting spot, and blood and feathers were found nearby.

With so few natural predators, police said they believe she was shot.

The first migrants set to be deported to Rwanda following the passage of the Safety of Rwanda Act have been detained, the Home Office said.

No-confidence motion debate to start within moments

The Scottish Parliament chamber has entered a short pause before the no confidence motion in the Scottish Government submitted by Anas Sarwar is due to be debated

Hold onto your seats...

Are the Scottish and UK governments now much the same?

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar thinks so.

He says as much during his opening statements on the no confidence motion and why he has laid out. He says the “similarities” between Rishi Sunak’s Westminster government and that still led - for now - in Scotland by Humza Yousaf ‘are now clear to see’

No Humza Yousaf doesn't fix the chaos, Sarwar says

Anas Sarwar is clear that Humza Yousaf quitting as First Minister doesn’t fix what is left behind - regardless of which candidate from the SNP ends up taking over.

The Scottish Labour leader says: "The SNP as a political party are so chaotic, divided and dysfunctional that it can't deliver competent government and is failing Scots every single day."

He tells the chamber: "I have no confidence in the SNP's ability to deliver."

Mr Sarwar added: “For me and Scottish Labour, this has never been about one person. It is also not just about the past 17 years of SNP failure, but even more significantly it is about the present and the future.”



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