Letter: Energy bill

The article by David Hunter about energy costs should be compulsory reading for politicians (your report, 30 October).

He wrote: "Our infrastructure - power stations, pipes and wires - is crumbling. More than 40 per cent of our power plants will close within ten years and must be more than replaced as we move towards electric vehicles and renewable energy that will require both back-up generation and a reinforced national grid."

Note "back-up generation". Then another gem. "It will cost 200 billion to keep the lights on and meet greenhouse gas targets by 2020, and guess who pays?"

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Our politicians worship at the altar of the "green goddess" and Scottish MSPs have promised her 100 per cent energy from renewables. Pie in the sky.

Where are the leaders to burst this "green bubble" and state that the billions of pounds of subsidies spent on inefficient wind turbines will bankrupt us?

Since the UK has less than 2 per cent of global CO2 emissions and Scotland has only 0.2 per cent, then we will be committing economic suicide for our politicians' vanity trip claiming they are "saving the planet".


Springfield Road

Linlithgow, West Lothian