Egan Bernal rides into history with Tour de France win

Egan Bernal celebrates on the podium in the leaders yellow jersey after securing victory in the Tour de France. Picture: AFP/Getty.Egan Bernal celebrates on the podium in the leaders yellow jersey after securing victory in the Tour de France. Picture: AFP/Getty.
Egan Bernal celebrates on the podium in the leaders yellow jersey after securing victory in the Tour de France. Picture: AFP/Getty.
On the Champs-Elysees fittingly?bathed in the yellow of a golden dusk, a Tour de France for the ages crowned a champion of an unusually young age yesterday: 22-year-old Egan Bernal, Colombia’s first winner of cycling’s greatest race.

“I am the most happy guy in the world. I just won the Tour de France, and, yeah, I can’t believe it,” he said, looking bemused on the podium in the iconic canary-yellow race 
winner’s jersey and silhouetted by a stunning sunset.

The youngest champion of the post-World War II era, the slightly built Team Ineos rider with a killer instinct on the road proved to be the strongest of the 176 strong men who roared off from the start in Brussels, Belgium, on 6 July on their 3,366-kilometre odyssey that delivered the most absorbing, drama-packed Tour in decades and a new cycling superstar in the making: Bernal.

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Riding a yellow bike, and cheered by Colombian fans who were partying even before he rattled up the cobblestones of the famous avenue, Bernal crossed the line with his Welsh team-mate Geraint Thomas, the 2018 champion who this year finished second. Dutchman Steven Kruijswijk completed what Tour organisers said was the tightest podium in the 116-year history of the race, with just 1 minute, 31 seconds separating the first and third places after three weeks of racing.

The 21st and final stage was won in a sprint finish on the Champs-Elysees by Australian Caleb Ewan, pictured right, the dominant sprinter
of his first Tour with three stage wins. Keeping with race tradition on its final day, the 155 riders who survived the Tour rode at a pedestrian pace before hitting the Champs-Elysees. Bernal chatted with French rival Julian Alaphilippe and raised a glass of champagne as he rode.

At the finish, Bernal fell into the arms of his family. “I cannot believe it. It’s just incredible. I am sorry. I have no words,” he said through a translator. “I still can’t understand what is happening to me.”

Tearful Colombians celebrated their new hero, who is younger than the 
Tour’s greatest champions – five-time winners Jacques Anquetil, Eddy 
Merckx, Bernard 
Hinault and Miguel Indurain – were when they were first crowned.

But millions of French fans who had lined the roads through east, central and southern France, and up into the thinning air of the Pyrenees and Alps, were ruing a bitter-sweet Tour. First, their hearts soared with fabulous racing from French riders Alaphilippe, who held the iconic yellow jersey for 14 days, and Thibaut Pinot, who won on the first of seven 2,000m-plus peaks scaled by the highest Tour in history.

But joy turned to sorrow when Alaphilippe and Pinot’s prospects of becoming France’s first winner since 1985 were cruelly dashed just two days before the grand finale in Paris, on an epic Stage 19 where Mother Nature became a party-pooping guest. An almighty dump of torrential rain and hail severed the Tour route just as Bernal was succeeding in ripping the race lead off Alaphilippe, who’d clung to it like a kid with a favourite toy.

Alaphilippe, more than anyone, first ignited and then stoked what will long be remembered as a Tour of fireworks. With his goatee beard and can’t-catch-me attacks that rivals couldn’t match, Alaphilippe embodied “panache,” the old-school class so cherished by Tour fans.

Alaphilippe’s enterprise first put him in yellow in Champagne country on Stage 3 and then, after he lost the lead on Stage 6, got him the jersey back on Stage 8, which he held through the Pyrenees and into the Alps. And it was there that Bernal, raised at altitude in Colombia and at home in thinner air, struck.

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Bernal flew up the Tour’s highest climb, the dizzying Iseran pass at 2,770m above sea level, demolishing what remained of Alaphilippe’s lead on Stage 19 and building a sizeable one of his own.

The watch was then stopped, with Bernal way ahead, when the hailstorm suddenly coated the route with ice, and prompted fears for the riders’ safety. Compounding the misery for France, Pinot abandoned the race in tears, hobbled by a thigh muscle tear.

Landslides also truncated the last Alpine Stage 20, which still proved too long for the by-now exhausted
Alaphilippe, who slipped off the podium entirely. Thomas used the last Alpine climb to secure the runners-up spot in Paris, giving Ineos a podium 1-2 with Bernal.

“I left my skin on the road these past weeks,” Alaphilippe told French sports newspaper L’Equipe.

But instead of a red-white-and-blue celebration, Paris was instead painted in Colombian red, blue and yellow.

Lots and lots of yellow.