Scotland is the most stressed part of the UK

Scots most stressed in the UKScots most stressed in the UK
Scots most stressed in the UK
Scotland is the most stressed area of the UK according to a YouGov poll which looked at how key life events like Brexit affect people.

The research commissioned by The Physiological Society also highlighted the potential gender gap in stress - with women reporting higher levels of anxiety from issues like the death of a loved one, illness or even losing a smartphone.

Over 2000 people across the UK took part in the study which builds on the famous stress work of Homes and Rahe in 1967 to determine how different life events impact on individuals.

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The geographic variations found that Scotland was the most stressed area, while the least stressed was the South East of England.

The biggest difference was in the stress caused by the threat of terrorism and the smallest for the arrival of the first child.

Key findings from the study included:

The results for some events pointed towards stress levels increasing with age, most strongly for long-term problems such as illness or imprisonment. Exceptions to this trend were the loss of a smartphone, which fits with the added difficulties this would cause to highly-connected younger generations, and the arrival of a first child. This was rated highest by those 25-34, who are likely to be the group experiencing this most recently.

Brexit had the greatest variety of responses given, with 18-24 age group most likely to be stressed by it. Those living in London and Scotland are also more stressed by Brexit than those than Wales and much of the rest of England.

Dr Lucy Donaldson, Chair of The Physiological Society’s Policy Committee, said: “The modern world brings with it stresses we would not have imagined 50 years ago, such as social media and smartphones.

“It was striking that for every single event in this study, from money problems to Brexit, women reported greater stress levels than men. This could have a real impact on women’s health.”

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