Scottish Independence Referendum: Trade Union call 'greatest possible choice' for Scots in any new referendum

The people of Scotland should be given the "greatest possible choice" over the country's future if there is a second independence referendum, the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has said.

General secretary Roz Foyer said if there is to be another vote it must not be a "simple binary choice" between independence and staying in the union.

She made the call as she addressed the STUC annual congress, which is taking place online because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Ms Foyer used her speech to criticise Westminster's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, accusing the UK Government of having "flip-flopped on public safety, placing both lives and livelihoods in danger".

She also criticised the Scottish Government for being "unable to stop a public health scandal in our care services".

Calling for a "people's recovery" from the pandemic, Ms Foyer said a more "equal and sustainable economy" could be created in its aftermath.

She said: "We have much to do, and huge challenges to face, but in our darkest moments let's remember that from the ashes of the Second World War the British working classes built the NHS, decent housing and a welfare state that benefited and raised living standards for millions.

"And similarly, from the ashes of this pandemic, we can grow the roses of a more equal and sustainable economy, where all workers can get a fairer share of our nation's wealth."

She stressed this includes the "right of the people of Scotland to determine their own constitutional path, including holding a further referendum on independence, should that be their wish".

The STUC general secretary added: "If Brexit has taught us anything, it is that there is much more to this than a simple binary choice, the devil will be in the detail and the general council supports giving the greatest possible choice to the Scottish people, should the time come for another referendum."