Patrick Harvie to stand as Greens candidate in Glasgow North

Greens co-covener Patrick Harvie will stand in the Glasgow North constituency. Picture: John DevlinGreens co-covener Patrick Harvie will stand in the Glasgow North constituency. Picture: John Devlin
Greens co-covener Patrick Harvie will stand in the Glasgow North constituency. Picture: John Devlin
Patrick Harvie, co-convener of the Scottish Greens, is set to stand as an MP in the General Election on 8 June, it has been announced.

Mr Harvie, who is an list MSP for Glasgow, will stand for election in the Glasgow North constituency.

Patrick Harvie said: “This election was called by a Tory Prime Minister taking advantage of a weak Labour party - but we can use it to send Theresa May a message.

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“By electing me, Glasgow can show that we reject May’s Hard Brexit disaster and fight for our future in Europe. We can show her government that Scotland rejects their cruel attacks on disabled people and the vulnerable, including the vile Rape Clause. And we can prove that there is a better way.

He added: “Green voices at Westminster will be critical in these next few years, as the Tories try to inflict terrible and lasting damage on Glasgow, Scotland and wider society. We need to take the fight to them with bold, progressive voices in the House of Commons.”

The announcement comes after the Greens’ successful local election campaign which saw a record seven councillors elected in wards across Glasgow on Friday.

The party topped the polls in Hillhead, an area covered in the Glasgow North constituency.