Most Scots want all fiscal revenues devolved

One pound coins. Picture: PAOne pound coins. Picture: PA
One pound coins. Picture: PA
TWO-THIRDS of people in Scotland support control over all areas of government policy except foreign affairs and defence, a recent poll found.

Three-quarters support devolution of all Scottish taxes while almost as many (71 per cent) back full control of welfare and benefits, new data from a Panelbase poll commissioned by the SNP between 29 September and 1 October suggests.

Around two-thirds support control over the state pension and oil and gas revenue while over half (54 per cent) support control over broadcasting, the poll of 1,049 people over 16 found.

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Some 72 per cent said there should be a guaranteed cross-border consultation when deciding the UK’s stance in European negotiations.

Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney said: “These are extraordinarily positive findings, showing strong support for extensive new powers – including control of all taxation and the welfare system in Scotland – right across Scottish society and across the political spectrum. There is also overwhelming support for the Scottish Government to be consulted about the UK’s stance in European negotiations.

“It is clear that people want the fullest possible transfer of powers from Westminster to Scotland, so that we are able to build a fairer society.”