Alex Salmond lodges formal complaint around alleged disclosure of name of complainer

Alex Salmond has lodged a formal complaint to the Scottish Government around the alleged conduct of a senior official who has been accused of disclosing the name of a complainer to Geoff Aberdein.

The lodgement comes as Nicola Sturgeon denied that a senior official from within the Scottish Government did pass on the name of a complainer to Mr Salmond’s former chief of staff.

A statement from the former first minister’s spokesperson said a complaint had been lodged under the civil service code.

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The spokesperson said: “Mr Salmond has lodged a formal complaint with the Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government under the civil service code, on the conduct of the official who is alleged to have breached civil service rules, by disclosing the name of a complainant in the Scottish Government process.”

Former first minister Alex Salmond at the Scottish Parliament Harassment committee, which is examining the handling of harassment allegations him, at Holyrood in Edinburgh.Former first minister Alex Salmond at the Scottish Parliament Harassment committee, which is examining the handling of harassment allegations him, at Holyrood in Edinburgh.
Former first minister Alex Salmond at the Scottish Parliament Harassment committee, which is examining the handling of harassment allegations him, at Holyrood in Edinburgh.