Spring Autojumble returns to Grampian Transport Museum

There’s something to interest everyone at a good autojumble!There’s something to interest everyone at a good autojumble!
There’s something to interest everyone at a good autojumble!
One of Alford’s favourite events at Grampian Transport Museum is returning on Sunday, April 16 for the first time since it was cancelled during Covid.

The Spring Autojumble was welcomed by hoarders like the daffodils are by gardeners, as it heralded the start of a fresh season of autojumbling!

Museum events manager, Alex McLeod, is delighted to see it back “We had our first post-covid Autojumble in autumn 2021 and that went well, then the 2022 autumn event was amazing, with over 100 stands and hundreds of buyers.

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“We were asked many times when we were going to recommence the spring event and so we are bringing it back this year. It is open to almost anything from your garages and sheds, all you have to do is find it, sort it and bring it! There are a few conditions in the interest of safety but you’ll find them all on our website.

“Bookings are open now online at www.gtm.org.uk. We will welcome anyone who turns up on the 16th, from 9am, but there’s a saving when you book online in advance. The event is open to the public from 10am-3pm.”