Readers' letters: Sturgeon doesn’t get to decide if she’s staying

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said this week she has no plans to move aside (Picture: Fraser Bremner/AFP/Getty)First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said this week she has no plans to move aside (Picture: Fraser Bremner/AFP/Getty)
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said this week she has no plans to move aside (Picture: Fraser Bremner/AFP/Getty)
Nicola Sturgeon has stated that she has “no intention of going anywhere”. However, the SNP operate on a different timescale, where a “generation” is 48 hours after a referendum, so given this logic, she could retire next week if she wanted.David Bone, Girvan, South Ayrshire

Counting chickens

Nicola Sturgeon opposes new North Sea oil fields, meaning inevitable job losses and more imported oil for decades. Virtue signalling, but to whom? Not to the Scots.

Nicola Sturgeon circulating avidly at COP26 was surely canvassing for alternative employment rather than for independence. What is she up to? Having regard to the classical component of my education, donning my robes (Etruscan haruspex), I killed a chicken (humanely) and examined the entrails; they claimed that Ms Sturgeon is actively seeking employment outside Scotland, caring not what mess she leaves behind. I am reminded of the first rule of Italian driving: “What is behind me doesn't matter!”.