Finding your feet with a trio of walks across Scotland

A hiker and their dog descending the summit of Beinn Eighe with Squrr Dubh & Loch Clair in the distance.A hiker and their dog descending the summit of Beinn Eighe with Squrr Dubh & Loch Clair in the distance.
A hiker and their dog descending the summit of Beinn Eighe with Squrr Dubh & Loch Clair in the distance.
Gary Sutherland vowed he would never become one of The Walkers '“ until he decided to tackle three of the country's long-distance trails in one giant challenge'¦

I had often seen them with their ten-storey backpacks, stumbling off the train and almost toppling over on the platform. The Walkers. With their heavy burdens and distant end goals, heading for the hills to embrace the back of beyond. Risking monstrous blisters and the midge menace for the seemingly sweet achievement of completing the West Highland Way.

You’d never catch me doing that, I’d say to myself…

A keen cyclist, I have biked the length and breadth of Scotland. But walking? I could never understand the appeal. Someone once said that golf is a good walk spoiled, but I reckon they got it the wrong way round. Walking is golf minus the fun.

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