Families are spending more quality time together

More Scots are spending quality time with their families Picture: Neill HannaMore Scots are spending quality time with their families Picture: Neill Hanna
More Scots are spending quality time with their families Picture: Neill Hanna
SCOTTISH families are spending an average of two hours 21 minutes togther before bedtime, a study has shown.

Overall, in the UK more families are spending more and more quality time together, from activities like watching films, playing or reading books together.

Scots topped the regional poll for feeling that they had the right balance between time spent with and without their children.

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However, 68 per cent believe they spend less quality time with their kids than they did with their parents, and a quarter feel they should be spending less time on their mobile phone and more time with their children.

Sunday's are still considered the best day to sepnd time with the familySunday's are still considered the best day to sepnd time with the family
Sunday's are still considered the best day to sepnd time with the family

But this was proved to be untrue with Scottish parents spending an average of 16.5 hours per week with their families, as oppsed to an average of just 11 hours they spent with their parents, while growing up.

A spokesman for kids’ TV channel Tiny Pop which commissioned the study of 2,000 parents, said: “It’s great to see that families are really starting to spend undistracted time together – more than ever.”

Parents agreed that sharing time together doing arts and crafts, watching TV together on the sofa and reading a book were all counted as quality time, but over half the parents surveyed also believed that more mundane tasks such as cleaning up after playtime and washing the car as valuable time - if done together with their child.

Four in 10 parents also feel driving their children to after school clubs is another opportunity to spend some precious moments together.

And while cooking the dinner and the food shop can sometimes get in the way of proper family time, 85 per cent of parents are now cooking with their children for fun, while one third use the weekly shop to bond with their kids.

Sunday was revealed nationally to be still the best day of the week for modern parents to spend quality time with their family.

However the survey showed that many families will squeeze what they can out of weekdays. In the mornings, parents believe they manage to fit in almost half an hour together over breakfast before school and work.

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