Chainsaw-wielding Scottish drunk who bombarded police with abuse spared jail

The incident happened in Manse Drive, Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire. Picture: GoogleThe incident happened in Manse Drive, Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire. Picture: Google
The incident happened in Manse Drive, Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire. Picture: Google
A drunken lout who mouthed off at cops after they were called to reports he was wielding a chainsaw has been spared jail.

John Reid, 31, was out with a pal just after midnight when they stopped their van in a residential road.

Reid grabbed a chainsaw from the back of the van and then approached a home on Manse Drive, Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire, trying to start it.

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But he couldn't get the tool to work, and returned to the van.

He then took it out again and tried once more to activate it.

Cops turned up to arrest him, but Reid bombarded them with abuse.

He shouted a torrent of swear words as he was put in the back of a police van, on February 28, the court heard.

He later pleaded guilty to shouting, swearing, acting in an aggressive manner to police and having a chainsaw in a public place.

Reid appeared before Dumbarton Sheriff Court for sentencing on September 4.

His defence brief told the court Reid could was concerned at suggestions he might be dependent on booze and could 'see a link between overuse or misuse and offending behaviour'.

Sheriff Maxwell Hendry told Reid he had "some concern this might be misinterpreted by you in that you might think it's not all that serious".

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He said the public was entitled to expect the courts to take seriously "anyone who thinks that can take a chainsaw, not once but twice" in the middle of the street while intoxicated.

Reid was put on a community payback order for 18 months, with a conduct requirement to undergo alcohol counselling or treatment.

He must do 200 hours of unpaid work in the community within nine months, and must also pay a £180 fine for a failure to appear at a previous hearing.