How to look after menopausal skin: keep comfortable with the correct skincare

Until recently, menopause was rarely discussed in the public discourse.

Thankfully, intelligent, interesting women are beginning to open up about the experience. However, there is still a level of secrecy about 'The Change' that leads some women to fear it or, or worse, go through it without support.

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Of course, there is obviously a hefty psychological element to menopause. But in tandem to that, it's affect on women physically can be overwhelming. Drops in the level of sex hormones (progesterone and oestrogen) in our bodies prompts many changes: hot flushes, night sweats, dull skin, dry skin, flaking scalp and looser skin.

It's a cruel irony that when many women are hitting their stride professionally and personally, they endure such a stark physical upheaval.

With so many new concerns to deal with, it’s no wonder menopause can make women utterly fed-up. You’ve probably noticed your skincare routine no longer works as well, so it’s time to rethink your approach.

Skincare expert and make-up artist Frances Prescott, the beauty-guru who has worked with Vogue, Tatler, Marie Claire, and countless celebrities, advises on how to feel and look good during menopause.

Use a facial mist to help with hot flushes

Pause Well-Ageing Hot Flash Cooling Mist

Hot flushes can be embarrassing and uncomfortable; but they needn't be endured without succour. The Pause Well-Ageing Hot Flash Cooling Mist sprays on lightly to immediately cool (store it in the fridge for optimal results). It contains a mixture of antioxidants, peptides and vitamins designed to stimulate collagen production, which slows at menopause. A welcome relief in unpleasant moments.

Buy now, £36, Cult Beauty

Use gentle soaps to protect your delicate areas

Galinee Perfume-Free Cleansing Bar

Let us not mince words here: menopause causes there to be less oestrogen in your body, and subsequently leads to the tissues of the vulva and vagina growing thinner and drier. Regular cleansers do not assist the issue by being quite alkaline in nature, causing itchiness and often infection.

The Gallinée Perfume-Free Cleansing Bar, by contrast, mimics the natural pH of a ladies' nethers, ensuring your natural biome isn't disturbed. The soap lathers beautifully and of course can be used all over your body (It works well to wash babies, too). This French brand is excellent at soaps: check them out.

Buy now, £10, Gallinée

Consider natural care to aid sleep

Sleep deprivation is the worst thing, making us irritable and strung out, yet disrupted sleep is often the first thing that hits us during menopause.

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A good night’s sleep triggers the brain to produce hormones for repairing skin tissue so it’s an essential element of any effective body care regime.

Menopausal insomniacs will love Londe Botanics soothing nighttime products, which will do their best to help you to more restful slumber.

Apply Starflower Serum to the eye area, massage a few drops of their Botanical Evening Oil to the face, neck and ears, drift into a dreamy sleep. Awake ready for the day.

Buy now, £18, Starflower Serum, Joules.