Boris Johnson to announce 'four tests' defining speed of lockdown relaxations in England

The Prime Minister is set to announce a ‘four tests’ approach to the easing of lockdown restrictions on Monday, with the UK Government likely to prioritise pupils returning to schools and renewed family contact.

Boris Johnson will set out his proposals for the “cautious” relaxation of lockdown restrictions in a speech to the House of Commons following a meeting of the Cabinet on Monday morning.

It will be the first lockdown route map of the week, ahead of Nicola Sturgeon’s expected announcement of the Scottish Government’s new strategic framework to Holyrood on Tuesday.

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The First Minister has also previously indicated that schools, which will partially return on Monday, family contact and non-essential retail will be at the top of her priority list.

Boris Johnson is set to announce the UK Government's route out of lockdown.Boris Johnson is set to announce the UK Government's route out of lockdown.
Boris Johnson is set to announce the UK Government's route out of lockdown.
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Both leaders have said they will be lead by the data in deciding when to lift restrictions, with Mr Johnson listing four tests for easing measures, with an examination of the data at each stage before a decision is made.

Ministers will assess the success of the vaccine rollout, evidence of vaccine efficacy, new variants and infection rates before proceeding to the next step.

Vaccine efficacy will be defined as whether they successfully reduce hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated, with the level of infection rates at a level that would not "risk a surge in hospitalisations”.

The tests are currently being met, the UK Government said, allowing the first relaxation to take place on March 8 – which is when pupils in England are widely expected to return to school.

Mr Johnson will say: “Today I’ll be setting out a road map to bring us out of lockdown cautiously. Our priority has always been getting children back into school, which we know is crucial for their education as well as their mental and physical wellbeing, and we will also be prioritising ways for people to reunite with loved ones safely.

“Our decisions will be made on the latest data at every step, and we will be cautious about this approach so that we do not undo the progress we have achieved so far and the sacrifices each and every one of you has made to keep yourself and others safe.

“We have therefore set four key tests, which must be met before we can move through each step of the plan.”

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Restrictions will be eased step-by-step across the whole of England at the same time, Downing Street said, due to the current uniform spread of the virus.

Number 10 said the blueprint would seek to balance the health needs with the social and economic impacts of lockdown.

For example, outdoor activities are set to be opened earlier than indoor ones, due to the reduced risk of spreading coronavirus outside.

It is not known whether the Scottish Government will follow suit and ease restrictions in the same manner.

MPs will be given the chance to vote on the regulations enabling the road map in the coming weeks, Number 10 said.

Mr Johnson will chair a virtual meeting of the Cabinet on Monday morning to discuss the plan and then unveil the details to Parliament in the afternoon.

He is expected to host a Downing Street press conference later on Monday evening alongside key advisers.

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