Restaurant brand FreshMex unveils further appetite for growth with six-figure investment in retail products

A firm specialising in Tex-Mex-inspired cuisine is heating up its growth trajectory by investing a six-figure sum in three new products for supermarkets.

FreshMex explains that it has grown from a street food pop-up at farmers’ markets, now operating restaurants in both Aberdeen and Edinburgh, and has been in “advanced” talks with retailers for its new range of products – a smoky Tex Rub and a sweet Mex Rub plus a Chipotle Salsa – with its first Scotland-wide listing going live in weeks.

It says its £100,000 outlay in its retail goods follows progress by its burrito restaurants, after it retained the title of Deliveroo’s most-ordered dish in Scotland for the fourth year running and saw revenue exceed £2.5 million, while it now has nearly 60 staff.

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