Sweater girls

You have to hand it to the twinset. At the ripe old age of 70 it could be forgiven for hanging up its buttons and remaining the stalwart of the First Lady (we’re talking Laura Bush - the jury is still out on whether Teresa Heinz Kerry would be quite so devotional) but instead it is enjoying a sneaky little renaissance.

Ever since the mid-1990s, the twinset couldn’t get arrested; cardigans and even jackets were seriously out of favour, and we either melted in "statement" coats or shivered sans cover. In fashion speak, the twinset had RIP embroidered along its neckline and had been hijacked by the Tory faithful - which obviously meant, in the twilight of its years, it was ripe for a revamp. The catwalk is all about contrast, and if designers aren’t taking the Footballers’ Wives vibe further than is strictly necessary, they are investing in Inauguration chic.

Which all means that, perfect for this year’s retro-fest, the twinset is currently more must-have than a reason to be cheerful. Sophie Dahl looks kittenish in Pringle of Scotland, Prada fans have gone elegantly ga-ga for Miuccia’s shrunken ombre cardigans, while Calvin Klein’s Francisco Costa refreshed the button-up by teaming it with tourniquet-tight pencil skirts in caf-au-lait neutrals.

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