Choice of misery

It is not a surprise that the failed fundamentalist Free Church of Scotland is up in arms about CalMac’s Sunday sailing (your report, 27 September). Once again a small, vocal minority seeks to impose its outdated views on the secular majority.

The Lord’s Day Observance Society uses exactly the same language as Anjem Choudary does when he talks about imposing Sharia law on Britain.

If the Free Church of Scotland had read its scripture properly it would have seen that the 10 commandments establishes Saturday as the day of rest, not Sunday. Its claims to be obeying God’s law are spurious and untrue.

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This Sunday sailing is responding to a consumer demand for it. No-one is suggesting that the Wee-Frees be denied their right to worship and be miserable. The Wee-Frees should accept that this is 2011 and the dark ages have ended.

Alan Hinnrichs

Gillespie Terrace


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