Megan Boyd

Megan Boyd, salmon fly-tier

Born: 29 January, 1915 Died: 15 November, 2001, at Kintradwell, Sutherland, aged 86

MEGAN Boyd was one of the world’s real experts in a most exacting (but sadly dying) art. Apart from being an authority on salmon flies, she had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the history and intricacies of fly-tying. She could recall with remarkable ease their individual names and origins. Ms Boyd seemed to know instinctively which fly would be best suited on a particular loch or river and when and where. She was often asked - even by anglers who knew the Sutherland rivers well - which fly should be used on a particular stretch. Her advice, so Sutherland folklore has it, tended to start with a phrase such as "If it rained overnight ..." or "If it’s still overcast and cloud ..." Despite all her vast expertise, Ms Boyd never actually fished!