Scots fishing leaders reject Sturgeon's claims of 'sell-out'

Scots fishing leaders say in the industry can flourish after BrexitScots fishing leaders say in the industry can flourish after Brexit
Scots fishing leaders say in the industry can flourish after Brexit
Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of making 'unfounded claims' of a UK government sell-out of fishermen after they were dismissed by industry leaders in Scotland.

The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) yesterday endorsed the UK government’s plans to “reassert control” over Scottish waters after a letter from Westminster environment secretary Andrea Leadsom pledged to end the “mutual access” arrangement which allows French and Spanish fishermen to trawl freely in Scotland’s seas.

The letter pledged to ditch elements which are “most unpopular and unworkable for the UK”.

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The First Minister seized on sections of the letter which state that ministers have not made any decisions about the extent to which the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) would still apply in UK law after Brexit. Ms Sturgeon took to social media to attack UK ministers after the letter emerged.

She tweeted it was “clear that Tories are planning another fisheries sell-out”.

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The SNP leader said: “Letter from UK gov reveals that Tories are planning to sell out Scottish fishing - again.

“As Scottish Tories tell fisherman Brexit means no CFP, letter says UK government considering incorporating CFP rules into domestic law.

“Letter also says UK gov ‘committed to co-operation with other countries over management of shared stocks’.”

But Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) chief executive Bertie Armstrong rejected this interpretation.

He said: “Any reading of this letter in full makes it clear that the UK government is committed to ensuring we exit the CFP and re-assert control of our waters.

“In fact, at our meeting with Ms Leadsom in March she said that we are leaving the EU and we are leaving the CFP. It is evident that the government shares the determination of the entire industry to seize this opportunity to re-generate our coastal communities.”

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