Comedy review: Lucky Maclean, Bobs Blundabus, Edinburgh

Lucky Maclean, Bobs BlundabusLucky Maclean, Bobs Blundabus
Lucky Maclean, Bobs Blundabus
This is not entirely comedy, and it is not really a show, but what it certainly is, is a great little Fringe experience that I can highly recommend.

Lucky Maclean, Bobs Blundabus * * *

Lucky Maclean meets us at the Blundabus. Within the first five minutes he has started competitive litter picking with a real council employee who is quite goodnatured about it all. We are variously entertained by a talking takeaway container, some optical humour with plastic cup lids and what I will only describe as an Edinburgh didgeridoo.

Then we are off, pretending to be a pack of post-apocalyptic zombies chasing Lucky. We point, he cowers, we howl, he runs, and no one we pass raises so much as an eyebrow. We learn some interesting things about Edinburgh (the bit around Bristo Sq anyway) and enjoy more entertainment from a short drowning incident, ice cream and a potted history of the Festival Fringe.

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We form a funeral procession back to base, howling and wailing, again, to absolutely no response from passers by. Lucky is a delightful person to spend an hour with. Check the weather, he says he's not very good in the rain.


Until 25 August

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