Comedy review: Bad Aunts, Gilded Balloon Tollbooth, Edinburgh

Bad Aunts, Gilded Balloon Tollbooth (Venue 98)Bad Aunts, Gilded Balloon Tollbooth (Venue 98)
Bad Aunts, Gilded Balloon Tollbooth (Venue 98)
These ladies seem great fun when you meet them outside.

Bad Aunts, Gilded Balloon Tollbooth, Edinburgh *

But, administrative errors aside, I have no idea what they are doing in the comedy section.

This appears to be a three hander play with chinks in the fourth wall through which escapes some sphincter-puckering audience participation. It is not remotely funny other than in the “peculiar” sense and, as theatre, resembles three prototype sitcom characters simply trapped on a stage.

For this relief, much thanks.

Until 25 August

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