44 Scotland Street: Boys are so physical

Illustrations by Iain McIntoshIllustrations by Iain McIntosh
Illustrations by Iain McIntosh
VOLUME 10, Episode 3: After the Duke of Johannesburg left – he had an engagement with his lawyer in Edinburgh – Matthew and Elspeth made their way into their new drawing room.

Elspeth flopped down on one of the Duke’s faded chintz-covered sofas, now theirs, patting the cushion beside her in an invitation for Matthew to join her. As they sat there, surveying their new home about them, there was at first a silence of the sort that comes when one has done something important but not yet determined the full implications of one’s actions. After a few minutes, almost in unison they said, “So …” and then stopped.

“You go ahead,” said Matthew.

“No you.”